Sunday, August 7th at 12pm
Every year on and around the 8th of August, the sun in Leo, the star Sirius, and the Earth all lineup creating what is widely known as the Lion's Gate Portal, the energetic veil becomes incredibly thin and we have access to increased light codes for our own unique heart awakening path.
It is a reoccurring heartbeat of light that infuses into Earth each year, coming from outside the earth plane, beyond our time/space reality, through the great central sun, Sirius.
This increase in streaming cosmic energy from the spiritual into the physical realms is an access point for us to easily receive light codes, deepen our connection within, connect with our guides with greater clarity, and accelerate our own intuitive abilities.
Opening our hearts to higher frequencies in a sacred container deepens our spiritual foundations which help to stabilise all other pillars within our life. Tuning into this energy consciously can amply our own journey.
I have been connecting to this frequency for the past five years and this year for the very first time I am opening up to facilitate a live channeled journey on August 7th, tuning in the day before the peak of energy on the 8.8.22.
Complete the form below if this calls to you to sign up for this event,
I can’t wait to see you there!
If you’re after some tools before this event, head over to my youtube channel for my latest meditation.
- Sending you much love, Lissy x