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Check out my Spiritual Guidance & Energy Healing Sessions Below


This is a monthly Channeled Soul Journey for the Collective to Receive High Frequency Codes of Light & Upgrades for your Souls Ascension Pathway.

• Strengthen your connection to your pillar of light & guides

• Stabilise your energy within your life

• Receive Support/Healing/Guidance


Zoom Private Link

Group Session

60 Minutes

Session Fee:

$99 NZD / Monthly



This Nourishing 75-minute Energy Healing & Remedial Massage Session is designed to provide Deep Replenishment & Support to your Nervous System.

• Release Physical Tension

• Support Nervous System Regulation

• Release Emotions held in the body

• Nourish your mind as you drift, receive and open into a restorative healing  frequency


1:1 Appointment


75 minute Session

Session Fee:

$144 NZD


During this Soul Healing Journey you will be guided into the Inner Sanctuary of your Heart as I channel through 

Specific Healing/Activations for you. Working with the energy of SHE (heart wisdom) to Support your Mind, Body & Spirit in this Deeply Nourishing Sacred Space.



1:1 Session


90 Minutes

Session Fee:

$222 NZD


Channeled specifically for



Activate your Light Language. 

Accelerate your Ascension Pathway. 

Embody your Light.

2024 Intake: Closes Soon

Start Date: 8th June 2024


• 6 Weeks Online Light Language Immersion

• Live Group Sessions

• 1:1 Online Session with Lissy





journey within • open your heart • align your soul

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What a blessing to have met Lissy. The knowledge and the downloads she receives from the Universe are priceless and extremely powerful. I had several private sessions and I also did her first Heart Series at Flow Space (group sessions). Each session brought clarity and wisdom in my life at crucial times. Her readings are spot on, the power of the light language she channels is out of this world.

Aurélie - Central Otago, NZ

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I worked with Alyssa around a time when I was doing a lot of internal work and going through a big healing.

I was having all types of symptoms related to a ‘healing crisis’ such as high temperature, energy blockages, fear, weakness, lack of clarity and blockage in my 3rd eye. After my healing session with Alyssa, almost all of the symptoms were gone, and I felt back to my usual balance.

Personally, the highlight of the session for me was experiencing her light language which was very beautiful

Wellington, NZ

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Hi Lissy! I am so sorry it has taken me so long to respond. Every time I do, I seem to fall short on my words. Your reading took my breath away. You literally tuned in to a conversation I was having with the universe about my souls purpose. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for this guidance and reassurance. There were times I wanted to cry reading it because it felt like you were speaking directly to my Soul

Nevada, USA

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Thank you very much Lissy. I feel that a block I've had for a long long long time has been removed. Feel so laid back/relieved!

Central Otago, NZ

Ready to Embody your Light?

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With Love