Nourish Your Soul.

Flow within during this guided soul healing session, connecting you to SHE (Heart Wisdom) & the unconditional frequency of love that is your LIGHT.

Whether you are still discovering your soul purpose, going through the depths of your own awakening and life's journey, a healer, light-worker, empath or your just ready to expand, receive and ground even further within your heart, this unique session connects with your luminous energy field through spiritual guidance, energy healing and opening sacred space to the expansive flow of healing for your soul.


A combination of modalities are used in this healing session, ranging from
• Soul Guidance
• Ceremonial Space
• Channeled Messages
• Energy Healing
• Light Language
• Chakra Clearing and Balancing

- each session is intuitively tailored to your specific needs in the present moment.


Book your session here

The Roots.

Lissy works as a Spiritual Guide and Channel through the abundant flow and expansive receiving of Heart Wisdom (Wisdom of She), this frequency of love is supporting us currently in our heart awakenings which is recalibrating and reconnecting our mind, body and energy pillars to embody more of our light as we navigate our path forward. Through her own heart awakening she has been guided to offer this unique Soul Healing Session for anyone who feels called to her frequency.

What to Expect

When booking your session online, you will be sent a private zoom link for our session, if booking in person, my address will be included in the booking info.

Your session is 90 minutes in length. You may like to set aside time before and after the session to connect and ground, you may have a specific intention or simply wish to be soul-led, either way every session will be tailored to exactly what your mind, body & soul needs in that moment.

Relax & Feel Deeply held as you are guided into sacred space


Self Care.

The Soul Healing Session with Lissy can be booked either online via video call or in-person, please allow 90 minutes for your session and an additional hour is recommended afterwards to ground/meditate/walk before returning to any work, please note intense physical activity or driving long distance is not advised straight after a session.

It is completely normal to feel tired, fatigued, nausea or even need a nap after your session. Headaches or flu-like symptoms can also be experienced, especially when shifting energetic blocks, clearing, and receiving - please make sure to increase your water intake, especially 48-72 hours before and after your session.

Energy shifts, activations and integrations can continue on for 1-3 weeks post session.

If you are experiencing an increase in emotions post session take it as a positive sign you are releasing deeply held blocks. whatever your body is bringing forward, honouring and holding space for it without judgment or attachment will help it shift through and release out of your body with greater ease. Please know you can email me with any questions after your session if you need to touch base, I am here for you.

Trusting that your body and soul know how to heal is opening your heart to the Wisdom of She.

$200 NZD

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