
I've always been a dreamer. When I was young I would often look out to the tallest tussock-clad hills or gaze up to the stars to breathe in the beauty of life that surrounded me. 

It was in these still moments that I started to follow my soul. This, in turn, became my life compass and is how I found myself immersed in the incredible stories of the heart.

Together with my partner in life, Sam, and our two darlings, Jack (14) and Marli (8) they teach me so much every day about the boundless beauty of unconditional love and not taking life so seriously.

What amazes me most about life, is the beauty in which it unfolds regardless of how you ‘thought’ it would. My story began a long time ago when the whispers of my soul called within.

Since that time, I’ve experienced the joys of childbirth, the sorrow of multiple miscarriages, and the darkness of a complete breakdown in my early twenties. I’ve had multiple surgeries including two spinal, causing many years of physical obstacles to overcome, I’ve battled chronic illness and pulled myself back from rock bottom many times - including most recently losing my sister to breast cancer in 2017. It’s certainly been an interesting journey so far and what I’ve learned through all that I’ve experienced is that everything I have been through is what has led me to where I am today, who I am becoming, and the empathy I have for wanting to make a difference in the lives of others. My heart is more open, strengthened, and unified through embracing all the parts of my life, each becoming tools, medicine, and powerful catalysts for growth.

My journey into the path of healing has been one that has evolved since my early twenties when I studied and graduated with a double Diploma in Massage Therapy and Aromatherapy in Christchurch at the Canterbury College of Natural Medicine, where I went on to work for several years at QEII Massage Clinic focusing mostly on sports athletes. We then moved to Melbourne, Australia to expand our life experiences and it was there that I studied to receive the Australian Diploma in Remedial Massage Therapy, after moving back home to NZ I shifted into my love of photography and fell completely head over heels for Wedding Photography, the way in which I could creatively express my vision openly was liberating and I quickly found myself absorbed in capturing the unique form of storytelling through imagery. I felt a connection between seeing the energy and essence of couples in love and how their souls connect that I could share in the way I captured their photos.

I created a local Wedding Fair with my dear friend and the same week in 2017 it was to launch I lost both my Sister and partner's Grandmother - two losses that were so powerful they also reflect the passing of who I once was and the journey back to my inner wisdom since they’ve been gone. Less than 6 months after losing two incredible souls in my life, my body experienced a complete shutdown after another back and neck injury, this was to be the beginning of one of the hardest periods I’ve ever experienced in my life, I went almost a year in a state on immense torture experiencing a constant migraine that was so horrific and relentless that I remember turning to Sam at one point and telling him I couldn’t carry on. I literally wanted to die. Medically, the doctors couldn’t explain why I was experiencing pain at this level, so, began the path of what has brought me here today. I was in these moments at rock bottom.

I decided to become my own light, mustering what little strength I could find to find my own answers, and be my own advocate for my health and wellbeing. What unfolded was a path of an incredible heart awakening and healing connecting back to the intuitive wisdom within, the expansive flow of feminine energy that has transformed every pillar of my life.

I’ve created this space of intuition for everyone who has felt a sense of disconnect from within, who feels a higher call to life than the habitual routines we’ve created in our everyday lives, the whisper that calls home your soul and the knowingness that in a time where so much is out of balance there has never been a greater time to reclaim our balance, our feminine essence, our voice, our purpose, our soul path, our power.

This is your call home to your inner wisdom, connection, guidance, and love.

I'm here to support you on your journey, whether that be capturing your day of love or going deep in supporting your heart awakening. Arohanui, Lissy x

“There is no greater gift you can give or receive
than to honour your calling. It's is why you were born
and how you become most truly alive.”